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How To Integrate Secure Payment Gateways in Your App: Cost, Features & Considerations!

How To Integrate Secure Payment Gateways in Your App: Cost, Features & Considerations!
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    8 min
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    July 17, 2024 Last Updated: July 17, 2024


In the past year, businesses have seen a major shift towards mobile devices, prompting them to create apps with built-in payment capabilities. However, mobile apps face specific challenges with payments. Beyond concerns like security and compliance, ensuring a smooth user experience is critical. A subpar payment process can deter customers and damage your brand. Therefore, refining mobile payment methods is crucial.

Similar to eCommerce and traditional payment systems, e-commerce relies on mobile app integration with payment gateway. These tools authenticate credit card transactions and handle them for merchants. By accepting methods such as Visa, Mastercard, Apple Pay, and bank transfers, payment gateways broaden payment choices for users and businesses alike. There are many top payment gateways available, each with unique strengths and weaknesses. Selecting the right one depends on your specific business needs.

This guide explores the features of payment gateways, outlines the benefits of integrating them into your app, and provides actionable steps for seamless integration.

Firstly, Let's Understand How Mobile App Payment Gateway Works!

Imagine a mobile application that regularly accepts in-app payments. It's almost inconceivable for such an app to operate without integrating a payment gateway. Essentially, an API-hosted payment gateway acts as an intermediary that authorizes transactions, encrypts sensitive data, and facilitates order fulfillment. It serves as a vital link connecting the merchant’s app, the user’s shopping cart, the acquiring bank (typically the merchant’s bank acting as the payment processor), and the issuing bank (which belongs to the cardholder). Below is the step-by-step sequence of events that outline the online payment process driven by a payment gateway:

Mobile App Payment Gateway

User Interaction: A user navigates through a merchant’s online store using their mobile app. They browse various products, select items they wish to purchase, and add them to the shopping cart.

Initiating Payment: When the user decides to check out and pay for their selected items, they proceed to the payment section of the app. Here, they enter their payment details such as credit card number, expiration date, CVV (Card Verification Value), and possibly a billing address.

Data Transmission: The app securely encrypts the payment details to protect them during transmission. Encrypted data containing the payment information is then transmitted from mobile app integration with payment gateway.

Processing: The payment gateway receives the encrypted payment data from the mobile app. It then forwards this data to the payment processor, a service that facilitates the transaction between the merchant, the user, and their respective banks.

Authorization and Verification: The payment processor sends the encrypted payment data to the user’s issuing bank (the bank that issued their credit or debit card). The issuing bank receives the authorization request and verifies several aspects of the transaction:

  • Funds Availability: It checks whether the user has enough funds or credit available to cover the transaction.
  • Fraud Detection: It assesses the transaction for any signs of fraud based on various risk factors.
  • Card Validity: It ensures the card details provided are valid and not reported lost or stolen.

Response to App: After evaluating the transaction details, the issuing bank sends an authorization response back to the payment processor through the same secure channel. The response indicates whether the transaction is approved or declined based on the bank’s assessment.

Settlement: If the transaction is authorized, the payment processor notifies the payment gateway of the approval. The payment gateway then initiates the settlement process by transferring the approved funds from the user’s issuing bank to the merchant’s acquiring bank account. This transfer of funds typically occurs within a specified period, depending on the terms agreed upon between the merchant and their acquiring bank.

Transaction Completion: Upon successful settlement, the transaction is completed. The mobile app receives a confirmation message from the payment gateway, indicating the transaction status (successful or unsuccessful). The merchant is informed of the successful payment, and they can now proceed to fulfill the user’s order by shipping the purchased items or providing the agreed-upon services.

Why Should On-Demand Businesses Set Up a Payment Gateway in Their Mobile Apps?

Mobile commerce is flourishing, with mobile apps driving a significant portion of online sales in the USA—specifically 31%. 53% of smartphone users prefer to shop directly through apps rather than mobile websites, mainly due to their higher conversion rates, which are three times more effective. As the field of mobile app development continues to expand annually, these features of payment gateways are poised for further growth.

benefits of payment gateways

Integrating types of payment gateways into your mobile app offers several key advantages:

Convenience for Customers: By incorporating a payment gateway, you streamline the checkout process. Customers can complete transactions seamlessly within the app, enhancing convenience and improving the overall shopping experience.

Boost in Customer Loyalty: Simplifying payments encourages repeat business. Research indicates that retaining existing customers is more cost-effective than acquiring new ones. By ensuring a smooth payment experience, you foster customer satisfaction and loyalty.

Strengthens Brand Image: Integration of top payment gateways allows you to maintain control over the payment process, ensuring it aligns with your brand's identity and standards. This consistency builds trust with customers. Conversely, a poor payment experience could damage your brand's reputation and drive customers away.

5 Steps for Mobile App Integration with Payment Gateway

mobile payment spendings

Adding a mobile app payment gateway opens up a world of opportunities for your business. However, with so many options available, choosing the right provider and setting everything up can seem overwhelming. Here’s a step-by-step breakdown to help you get started smoothly:

Step 1: Choosing the Right Payment Partner

Before you begin, take some time to research different payment gateway providers. Consider these questions:

  • Security Features: How well does the gateway protect your customers’ information?
  • Fees and Flexibility: What are the costs involved, and are there opportunities for negotiation?
  • Mobile Compatibility: How does the gateway ensure a seamless checkout experience for mobile users?
  • Branding Options: Can you customize the types of payment gateways to match your brand?
  • Support for Subscriptions: Does the gateway support recurring payments?
  • Global Reach: Which payment methods and currencies does it support?

Step 2: Setting Up Your Merchant Account

To accept payments, you’ll need a merchant account. This account temporarily holds funds from transactions before transferring them to your business bank account.

Many features of payment gateways offer integrated merchant accounts, which streamline management from payment settings to handling post-transaction processes like refunds and chargebacks. Alternatively, you can keep your merchant account separate, ensuring compatibility with your chosen gateway.

Step 3: Configuring Your Payment Gateway

Once you’ve selected a provider and set up your account, customize your settings and user interface:

  • Payment Methods: Choose which options to offer (credit cards, debit cards, mobile wallets).
  • Subscription Management: Set terms for recurring billing.
  • Global or Local Support: Select supported countries and currencies.
  • Customized Checkout: Personalize the checkout page with your brand’s colors and logo.

Step 4: Integrating the Gateway with Your App

Connect your payment gateway to your mobile app using:

  • Manual Coding: Developers can integrate the API directly into your app.
  • SDKs: Use pre-written code libraries for easier integration.
  • Widgets: Add payment functionalities with minimal coding.

Step 5: Testing and Launching

Before going live, thoroughly test the mobile app integration with payment gateway in a non-live environment to identify and resolve any issues. Most gateways provide tools for this purpose. Once testing is complete, you’re ready to start accepting payments! Keep monitoring transactions through your gateway or merchant account to ensure smooth operation.

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Key Features to Consider When Integrating a Mobile Payment Gateway

Choosing the right payment gateway for your mobile app involves evaluating several crucial features that can vary significantly from provider to provider. Here’s what you should look for:

features of payment gateways

1Merchant Account Options:

Dedicated Merchant Account: This option is solely for your business, giving you more control over your funds. However, it typically involves higher costs.
Aggregate Merchant Account: Shared among multiple businesses, easier to set up, but may have less stringent fund management rules.

2Payment Gateway Integration:

Hosted Off-Site Gateway: Redirects users away from your app to complete transactions. This can disrupt the user experience and complicate tracking conversions.

3Integrated Payment Gateway:

Embedded directly into your app using API-hosted payment gateways. This ensures a seamless user experience and simplifies conversion tracking. Integrated gateways are preferred for optimizing conversion rates and securely retaining customer card data for future transactions.

4Payment Gateway APIs:

These APIs enable smooth integration into your app and offer flexibility to customize features like invoices and recurring payments. A mobile app payment gateway allows you to tailor the payment experience to your specific requirements, enhancing user engagement and operational efficiency.

5Recurring Billing Support:

Verify that your chosen payment gateway supports recurring billing if you plan to charge customers regularly. Not all gateways offer this feature, so it's crucial to confirm before committing.

6Multi-Currency Capabilities:

For international operations, choose a payment gateway that supports multiple currencies and possibly cryptocurrencies like Bitcoin. This capability facilitates seamless transactions across diverse markets, expanding your global reach.

7Security Measures:

Prioritize types of payment gateways that adhere to security standards such as PCI compliance, data encryption, tokenization, and robust fraud prevention. These measures protect against chargebacks and ensure the security of your customers' payment information.

8Customer Support:

Opt for a provider known for reliable and responsive customer support. Effective support is essential for addressing any issues promptly, ensuring smooth transaction processes.


Select features of payment gateways and processors capable of scaling with your business growth. A scalable solution will handle increased transaction volumes seamlessly, minimizing disruptions as your business expands.

How Much Does It Cost to Get Top Payment Gateways?

The cost of obtaining different types of payment gateways varies depending on the provider and the specific services they offer. Here’s a breakdown of some popular payment gateway providers:

Cost of Top Payment Gateways

Charges 2.9% + 30¢ per successful card charge.
Offers customizable packages to suit different business needs, including specific rates for international transactions.

Charges 2.75% per transaction for online payments.
For in-person payments, charges 3.5% + 15¢ per transaction.
No monthly fees or additional charges for account setup and payment activation.

Charges $0.10 per transaction for Payflow Link users.
Pro users pay $99 for setup and $25 monthly.

Charges 1.75% + $0.30 AUD per domestic transaction.

Offers either a $0.10 per transaction fee or a $10 monthly fee.
Charges 2.9% + 30¢ per transaction.

Charges 2.9% + £0.30 per transaction for standard merchants.

These costs can vary based on factors such as the type of transaction (online vs. in-person), the location of the transaction (domestic vs. international), and additional services offered by the payment gateway provider. Businesses need to consider these factors and choose mobile app integration with payment gateway that best fits their specific needs and budget.

Step into the Era of Mobile App Revolution!

The future is unfolding rapidly, and integrating payment gateways into your app is your entry pass to this exciting journey. Loyalty cards and paper vouchers are becoming relics of the past – now, customer engagement thrives within your app.

Mobile App Revolution with payment gateway

By integrating an API-hosted mobile app payment gateway, you’re not just ensuring a seamless checkout experience; you’re also tapping into a goldmine of invaluable customer data. Imagine offering personalized recommendations based on past purchases or instantly rewarding loyal customers with exclusive in-app perks. Mobile payments empower your app to deepen customer relationships and foster brand loyalty effortlessly while simplifying the payment process for everyone involved. Discovering the right mobile app integration with payment gateway solution requires careful consideration and effort, just as integrating payment systems into your app demands attention to detail.

Now equipped with the knowledge of how to seamlessly integrate top payment gateways into your app, you understand the importance of clarifying your requirements and initiating the process with a focus on safety and security. These elements are crucial when facilitating transactions and selling goods through a mobile platform.

If you need further guidance or detailed information on types of payment gateways, feel free to reach out to our team. Our expertise in implementing mobile app payment gateways can be invaluable if you want to offer seamless payment processing options to your users!

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Frequently Asked Questions(FAQs)

A secure payment gateway is crucial for your app to ensure that transactions are safe and protected from unauthorized access or fraud. It encrypts sensitive information, such as credit card details, making it safe to transmit over the internet. Additionally, a secure payment gateway enhances user trust, which is essential for customer retention and satisfaction.

Evaluate these factors based on your app’s specific needs and long-term business goals.

  • Security: Ensure it complies with industry standards (PCI DSS).
  • Compatibility: It should integrate smoothly with your app’s technology stack.
  • Geographic Coverage: Support for currencies and regions relevant to your target market.
  • Fees: Understand transaction fees, setup costs, and ongoing charges.
  • Customer Support: Availability of support in case of technical issues.

Costs vary among providers, so it’s essential to compare fee structures and terms before choosing a payment gateway. The costs associated with integrating a payment gateway typically include:

  • Setup Fees
  • Transaction Fees
  • Monthly Fees
  • Chargeback Fees

Key features to look for in a secure payment gateway include:

  • SSL/TLS Encryption, PCI DSS Compliance
  • Support for Multiple Payment Methods
  • Developer-Friendly APIs
  • Responsive Checkout Experience
  • Recurring Billing Support
  • Fraud Prevention Tools

Integrating a payment gateway into an app typically takes anywhere from a few days to a few weeks, depending on several factors. The complexity of the payment gateway’s API and the familiarity of the development team with it play crucial roles. Simpler gateways with well-documented APIs can be integrated more quickly, whereas more complex ones may require additional time for understanding and implementation.

Common challenges in integrating payment gateways include:

  • Difficulty in understanding and implementing gateway APIs.
  • Ensuring data security and compliance with regulations.
  • Integration problems with existing systems or platforms.
  • Issues with payment processing or gateway downtime.
  • Ensuring a seamless and user-friendly checkout process.
  • Addressing technical issues and updates post-integration.

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