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You may draw in more customers to your store by offering discounts. With Quickrides, it is simple to do. An admin account, which you will receive when signing up with the platform, is all that is required. So let’s see how simple and fuss-free you can make it.
The admin can view a specific coupon’s image and name in the coupon portion. The business module of a certain voucher is referred to as its module type. The coupon code for a certain coupon is indicated on the code tab. The number of users who have successfully used a coupon is represented by the user count.
The kind and amount of the discount offered by the coupon are mentioned in the discount tab. The description of a coupon that was mentioned when it was added is indicated on the description tab. The beginning and ending dates of a specific coupon are indicated by the start and end dates.
A certain coupon’s activity status is shown on the status tab. A coupon’s status can be changed by the administrator from active to blocked and vice versa. The admin can modify or remove a specific voucher with the aid of the action tab.
The discount feature’s upper right portion will have a search bar that the admin may use to look for certain coupons and deals. There is also an add coupon button to add a new coupon in addition to the search box. The administrator will need to enter a number of details, such as the coupon’s banner, title, code, and other details, in order to add a new coupon.
The admin can successfully add a discount by clicking the add button after inputting the necessary information. You can get to learn more about Quickrides and its advanced features by getting in touch with our team.
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